Announcement on results of open tender for the development of the Working Design “Construction of the overhead power line 10 kV at Karaozek ERC, Kyzylorda oblast, Syrdaria region, Karaozek settlement, Shornak ERC, Turkestan oblast, Sauran region, Shornak settlement”

8  +  2  =  

Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline LLP announces the results of open tender for the development of the Working Design “Construction of the overhead power line 10 kV at Karaozek ERC, Kyzylorda oblast, Syrdaria region, Karaozek settlement, Shornak ERC, Turkestan oblast, Sauran region, Shornak settlement” held on June 13, 2023 at 11:45 of Almaty time at the following address: 53, Abylai khan avenue, Almaty.
The winner is EcoEnergoGas LLP legal address: office 138, 30/8, Satpayev str., Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total amount of the application of which is 24 500 000 (twenty four million five hundred thousand) KZT excluding VAT.

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