Under results of the first quarter of 2018 KazTransGas JSC is ramping up production and financial indicators.



April 13, 2018

The National Operator in the field of gas and gas supply KazTransGas JSC has summed up the results of the activity of the group of companies for the first quarter of 2018.

According to the data received, the National Operator has increased production and financial indicators compared to the same period of the last year. Thus, KazTransGas JSC has received consolidated net profit to the amount of 41.6 bln. KZT, which is higher than the same period of the last year by 15.4 bln. KZT or by 59%.

The volume of gas sales for the reporting period amounted to 7.1 billion cubic meters, which is higher than the indicator of the same period of the last year by 1.1 billion cubic meters or by 18%. At that, the growth of gas sales for export amounted to 486 million cubic meters, which is due to the start of export suppliers of Kazakh gas to the People’s Republic of China in October of the last year.

The positive dynamics was also observed in the main gas transportation, amounting to 26.8 billion cubic meters under results of the first quarter of this year, which is higher than the indicator of the first quarter of 2017 by 1.2 billion cubic meters.

KazTransGas JSC Press service

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