+ 32 = 39
Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline LLP (hereinafter – the Partnership) being the Owner and Purchase organizer, located at: 96/98, Zheltoksan Str., 050000, Almaty would like to announce the purchase of Car lease by means of quotation request in the following scope and on the following terms:
1. Title of purchase: purchase of Car lease (Astana).
2. Brief characteristics of the purchased services, scope, terms and conditions of services rendering, terms and conditions of payment are indicated in Technical Specification and draft purchase contract.
3. Place of services rendering: according to technical specification.
4. The Technical Specification and draft purchase contract are available from 9:00 a.m. «12» April 2018 till 6.30 p.m., April «18», 2018 inclusively at: room 503, 96/98, Zheltoksan Str., Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan daily from 9:00 a.m. till 6:30 p.m. (lunch break – 01:00 p.m.- 02:30 p.m.) upon submission of the following documents:
1) Request for participation in above-said purchase;
2) Power of attorney for representative of potential supplier to obtain technical specification and draft contract, and submit an envelope with quotation.
5. The potential supplier willing to participate in the above-said purchase by means of quotations request has to provide the quotation, which bears the signature and stamp for legal entities, signature and stamp (if any) for individuals, and contains the following data and documents:
1) Title, legal and actual address, BIN (for legal entity), number of license and ID card (passport), full name, place of residence, IIN (for individuals) and bank details of the potential supplier;
2) Title, characteristics and scope of rendered services;
3) Place and terms of goods supply, works performance, services rendering;
4) Quotation indicating the unit price for services and total price of services, excluding VAT with included expenses, related to services rendering.
5) Copy of state registration (re-registration) certificate of legal entity, for individuals – a copy of document on registration as a business entity.
6) Copy of license or application of potential supplier, which contains a reference to official internet source (web site) of state agency, issued the license, used electronic licensing system (in case if an activity, which subject to compulsory licensing, is supposed by the purchase conditions).
7) Technical specification, signed by potential supplier (in case if the announcement on purchase by means of quotations request contained technical specification and demand on submission by potential supplier of technical specification).
8) Copy of certificate of VAT registration (if any).
9) Copy of charter.
The potential supplier is entitled to provide only 1 (one) quotation, which is not allowed to be amended and (or) supplemented. The quotation has to include all expenses related to services rendering including taxes (but not including VAT) and other mandatory payments to the budget (insurance, whenever required) and has to be provided in a sealed envelope indicating the following information on the face side:
1) Full title and postal address of the potential supplier;
2) Title and postal address of the purchase organizer, which have to comply with the similar data specified in the announcement;
3) Title of purchase for which the potential supplier is bidding with the quotation.
6. The quotation should comply with all requirements specified in the Technical specification.
7. Purchase contract will be concluded with the potential supplier which quotation has the lowest price. Herewith, the potential supplier which is recognized as a successful bidder has to provide the following documents to confirm his qualification:
1) Notarized copy of state registration (re-registration) certificate of legal entity, for individuals – notarized copy of document on registration as a business entity;
2) Notarized copy of license or application of potential supplier, which contains a reference to official internet source (web site) of state agency, issued the license, used electronic licensing system (in case if an activity, which subject to compulsory licensing, is supposed by the purchase conditions);
3) Notarized copy of the Certificate of value added tax registration (if any);
4) Notarized copy of the Charter.
Closing Date for submission of envelopes with quotations: 10:00 a.m., April 19, 2018.
Opening of the submitted envelopes with quotations will take place at 11:30 a.m., April 19, 2018 at the following address: room 506, 96/98, Zheltksan Str., Almaty.
The quotation has to be submitted at the following address: room 96/98, Zheltksan Str., Almaty.
8. The amount allocated for the purchase of car lease by means of quotations request makes 6 830 357.14 KZT, excluding VAT.
9. Purchase contract by means of quotation request is concluded within the deadline no longer than 30 calendar days since the date of purchase results publication.
For additional information and references please contact us by phone 8 (727) 330-69-39.
Проект договора.pdf
Техническая спецификация.pdf
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