Announcement on holding the repeat purchase of “Technical inspection of motor vehicles”, by quotations request:

  +  67  =  68

Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline LLP (hereinafter – the Partnership) being the Customer and the Purchase Initiator, located at: 53, Abylai khan ave., Almaty, 050000 would like to announce the holding the repeat purchase of “Technical inspection of motor vehicles”, by quotations request in the following scope and on the following terms: 1. Title of repeat purchase: “Technical inspection of motor vehicles”. 2. Brief characteristics of the purchased services, scope, terms and conditions of services rendering, terms and conditions of payment are indicated in Technical Specification and draft purchase contract. 3. Place of services rendering: according to technical specification. 4. In order to receive the technical specification and a draft purchase contract, a potential supplier shall register on the website and type purchase number №240504-984155 in the “search” section, or upon the registration on the website to download the attached documentation. 5. The potential supplier submits only one quotation in Russian or another language, taking into account the requirements of the request for the quotation, if necessary, which shall include the following information: 1) Title, legal and actual address, BIN (for legal entity), number of license and ID card (passport), full name, place of residence, IIN (for individuals) and bank details of the potential supplier; 2) Title, characteristics and quantity of goods supplied, name and scope of performed work, rendered services; 3) Place and terms of goods supply, works performance, services rendering; 4) price per unit and the total price of goods, works, services, excluding VAT, including costs associated with the supply of goods, performance of work, services rendering; (filled out electronically on the electronic trading platform) 5) Copy of state registration (re-registration) certificate of legal entity, for individuals – a copy of document on registration as a business entity; 6) Copy of license or application of potential supplier, which contains a reference to official internet source (web site) of state agency, issued the license, used electronic licensing system (in case if an activity, which subject to compulsory licensing is supposed by the purchase conditions; 7) Technical specification, signed by potential supplier (in case if the announcement on purchase by means of quotations request contained technical specification and demand on submission by potential supplier of technical specification); 8) Copy of certificate of VAT registration (if any); 9) Copy of charter. 6. The potential supplier is entitled to provide only 1 (one) quotation, which is not allowed to be amended and (or) supplemented. The quotation has to include all expenses related to services rendering including taxes (but not including VAT) and other mandatory payments to the budget (insurance, whenever required) and bids from potential suppliers to participate in this purchase are accepted in the form of an electronic document before the expiration of the deadline for its submission at the email address: 7. The quotation should comply with all requirements specified in the Technical specification. 8. Purchase contract will be concluded with the potential supplier which quotation has the lowest price. Herewith, the potential supplier which is recognized as a successful bidder has to provide the following documents to confirm his qualification: 1) Notarized copy of state registration (re-registration) certificate of legal entity, for individuals – notarized copy of document on registration as a business entity; 2) Notarized copy of license or application of potential supplier, which contains a reference to official internet source (web site) of state agency, issued the license, used electronic licensing system (in case if an activity, which subject to compulsory licensing, is supposed by the purchase conditions); 3) Notarized copy of the Certificate of value added tax registration (if any); 4) Notarized copy of the Charter. 9. Closing Date for submission of bids: 10:00 a.m.,May 17, 2024. 10. Opening of the bids with quotations will take place on May 17, 2024 at the following electronic address: 11. Link for quick transition to the purchase by quotation request 12. Amount allocated for the repeat purchase of “Technical inspection of motor vehicles”, by quotations request makes 546 000,00 (Five hundred and forty-six thousand KZT) excluding VAT. For additional information and references please contact us by phone 8 (727) 342-38-03.

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