General Director of Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline LLP - Zong Hong

Zong Hong – Born in 1980, in Shanxi Province, the People's Republic of China.
Education:Zong Hong graduated from Donetsk National Technical University in 2002 with a degree in: "Economics and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship". In 2006 she graduated from Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In 2008 she was awarded with the Master's degree in Economics, having confirmed her qualifications.
Первый заместитель Генерального директора – Руководитель ГУП - TALGAT ADILOVICH ADILOV

TALGAT ADILOVICH ADILOV – Born in 1971 in the West Kazakhstan oblast.
Education:State Academy of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin (1993), specialty “Engineering, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”..
Deputy General Director – Deputy PMT Leader – Zhao Shouyi

Zhao Shouyi – born in PRC in Liaoning province.
Education: In 1989 graduated from Zhejiang University with a degree in Storage and transportation of oil and gas, Bachelor of Engineering. At different times he worked at Liaohe Petroleum Engineering Company Limited of PetroChina.
Deputy General Director – Deputy PMT Leader – Talgat Kaimenovich Yessendiyarov

Talgat Kaimenovich Yessendiyarov, was born 1987 in Uralsk.
Образование: In 2009, he graduated from Eurasian National University with a degree in “International relations” (Astana). In 2013, he finished China Petroleum University (Beijing) with a degree in “Oil and Gas industry”.
Deputy Director General, Economics and Finance - Liu Wanyu

Liu Wanyu – was born in 1974, native of PRC, Liaoning province.
Education: In 1997 graduated from Liaoning University, Department of Economics, with a specialization in Economics.
At different times held managerial positions at TAPline.
Deputy General Director - Chief Accountant - Kurganov Almaz Shukhratovich

Kurganov Almaz Shukhratovich - was born in 1988, in Turkestan.
Education: In 2009 he graduated from Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas in the specialty “Economics”. In 2018 he graduated with honors from the Master's degree program of KIMEP University, Executive MBA - for managers. In 2020 he obtained the CIMA Diploma in Performance Management.
Deputy General Director for Corporate Development - Zhang Mingbo

Zhang Mingbo – Born in 1972 in Liaoning Province, China.
Education:In 2003, he received a Master's degree from the Kazakhstan International Academy of Business, specializing in Economics and Management.
Deputy General Director for Commerce – Vladimir Sergeyevich Pak

Vladimir Sergeyevich Pak – was born in 1991, in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Chu oblast.
Education: In 2013, he graduated from the Kazakh Financial and Economic Academy, specializing in “Economics” in Semey.
Deputy General Director for Business Support - Wang Henglin

Wang Henglin – date of birth 1968, born in PRC, Heilongjiang province.
Education: He finished in 1992 the Petroleum University in Huadong, PRC, qualified as “Management in industry”.
In 2012 he got the degree of the Master of Management Science in Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.
Deputy General Director for General Issues - Daniyar Serikovich Akhmetov

Daniyar Serikovich Akhmetov - was born on April 14, 1981 in Almaty.
Education: In 2003 he finished Kazakh Economic University named after T.Ryskulov, qualified as the “Economist”.
Deputy General Director for Technical Issues - Zeng Keran

Zeng Keran - was born on April 5, 1989 in Chongqing, PRC.
Education: In 2010 he graduated from China University of Petroleum, specialized in “Oil and gas transportation and storage”.
Liu Guihua -
Year of Birth:
Education: – ; – ; –
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Mister Ikhsanov Meirbek Uakassovich -Deputy chairman of the board for production and marketing of NC "QAZAQGAZ" JSC
Year of Birth: 1980, born in West Kazakhstan Region.
Education:— West Kazakhstan State University, specialty "Engineer-Electrician"; — West Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanitarian University, Master of Economics and Business. Passed the full program of Management Development in Schlumberger head office (Paris, France).
Members of the Supervisory Board:

Mister Akan Aidyn Mukhituly – Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of “national company “QAZAQGAZ” JSC;
Year of birth: Akan Aidyn Mukhituly was born in 1986 in Almaty city.
Education: He has graduated from the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in specialty of “Applied Mathematics”, Master’s degree program in King’s College London in specialty of “Mathematics of finance”, also he holds the MBA degree of the University of Wales Institute.
First Deputy General Director:

Mrister Zhang Peng - First Deputy General Director of Asian Gas Pipeline LLP.
Zhang Peng - Born in 1968, native to Heilongjiang, China
Education: China University of Petroleum, Doctorate in the specialty “Transportation and storage of oil and gas”.
Первый заместитель Генерального директора – Руководитель ГУП - TALGAT ADILOVICH ADILOV

TALGAT ADILOVICH ADILOV – Born in 1971 in the West Kazakhstan oblast.
Education:State Academy of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin (1993), specialty “Engineering, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”..
Deputy General Director – Deputy PMT Leader – Zhao Shouyi

Zhao Shouyi – born in PRC in Liaoning province.
Education: In 1989 graduated from Zhejiang University with a degree in Storage and transportation of oil and gas, Bachelor of Engineering. At different times he worked at Liaohe Petroleum Engineering Company Limited of PetroChina.
Deputy General Director – Deputy PMT Leader – Talgat Kaimenovich Yessendiyarov

Talgat Kaimenovich Yessendiyarov, was born 1987 in Uralsk.
Образование: In 2009, he graduated from Eurasian National University with a degree in “International relations” (Astana). In 2013, he finished China Petroleum University (Beijing) with a degree in “Oil and Gas industry”.
Deputy Director General, Economics and Finance - Liu Wanyu

Liu Wanyu – was born in 1974, native of PRC, Liaoning province.
Education: In 1997 graduated from Liaoning University, Department of Economics, with a specialization in Economics.
At different times held managerial positions at TAPline.
Deputy General Director - Chief Accountant - Kurganov Almaz Shukhratovich

Kurganov Almaz Shukhratovich - was born in 1988, in Turkestan.
Education: In 2009 he graduated from Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas in the specialty “Economics”. In 2018 he graduated with honors from the Master's degree program of KIMEP University, Executive MBA - for managers. In 2020 he obtained the CIMA Diploma in Performance Management.